Tuesday, August 9, 2011

DeCaLiBron (minus the CaLiBron) 8-8-11

Well……the plan was to summit four 14ers in one day.

3am – alarm goes off and snooze button is pressed

3:15am – out of shower, wake up Aimee, get dressed

3:30am – phone rings, Blake is sick

3:31am – Aimee is sick

3:45am – Maggie and I leave for 14er quest

*NOTE – I left my camera at home so all pictures are via cell phone

Maggie and I hit the trail at 6am. I believe I have a new appreciation for the alpine start after this hike. For those of you scratching your head an alpine start is when you start at pre-dawn to ensure you miss afternoon thunderstorms and falling seracs. Now 6am is no alpine start but it is early. I hiked most of the way in the shadow of Mount Bross. The sun had not hit me until the Democrat/Lincoln saddle. I was not hot and it was nice and cool. I think earlier alpine starts are in my future.

Once we gained the saddle Maggie and I headed up the ridge to Democrat. This was trail was much more class 2 than we had have ever been on and Maggie was not enjoying her climb. We summited at 7:30am.
I am not flicking off the camera in this shot. I was trying to show number one to represent the first of four 14ers.

After having our bowl of dog food (I had jerky) and water we headed down to begin the ridge up Cameron. On the way down it was apparent Maggie was not enjoying the rock hoping and I knew the descent down Bross was a miserable loose rock slope. Once back at the Democrat/Lincoln saddle I decided to call it a day on account of Maggie’s enjoyment.

Could she have done them all – YES

Would she have done them all – YES

Was there a chance she would have been uncomfortable or gotten hurt – YES

I may put myself in danger but NOT Maggie. If you have a problem with this, I WILL FIGHT YOU!

We made it back to the trailhead at 9am.

On a side note, a three-hour time on a five mile 2,500ft trip is a personal best for me. The more I hike, ride my bike, or just stay active the more I seem to be able to enjoy my hobbies.

I will finish the DeCaLiBron soon!

1 comment:

  1. The art of when to call it on account of the dog is a delicate one. Sounds like you made a good choice.
